Wednesday, August 29, 2007

keGiatan quw..

Selasa, 28 Agustus 2007
Hari Pertama MPA (MAsa Pengenalan Akademik)

baru bs tdr jam 1 pagi.. n tiba2 ad suara2 yg ngbangunin gt.... g berasa bgt gw tidur kynya.. secara kmrn mlmnya jg g tdr..
pas bangun, langsung liat jam, Omigod... jam5..!!!!
panik, gw kesiangan,, pdhal minta anterin brngkat k kampus tuh jam 5 ma ayah.. n ayah gw yg ud siap, trus ngliat gw baru bangun cuma geleng2 kepala.. *dah biasa ngadepin anaknya yg suka ngaret klo minta anter*
kynya ni mandi tercepet gw deh.. cuma 15 menit.. :D

trus langsung cabs k kampus tnpa sarapan jam 5.30 ma ayah tercinta yg selalu siap mengantar gw kmana pun n kapan pun.. *love u Dad*
Giling, nyampe kampus jam 5.40, cuma 10 menit aja dari rumah ke kampus, klo masalah ngebut gw percaya deh ma ayah gw.. *gw seneng ngebut2an klo naek motor, tp cuma ma org2 yg terpercaya :D*
nyampe sana ternyata dah ada bberapa panitia yg udah stand by, tp ternyata banyak jg yg lebih telat dr gw.. ;))

kynya hari ini tuh gw sial bgt deh.. dah bangun kesiangan, eh.. pake kesandong rok pula pas naek tangga yg akhirnya gw jatoh.. :(( malu bgt lagi, d depan gw ada si Randhi rese n dibelakang gw si Yudha, cowo2 iseng yg suka ngecengin orang.. abis deh gw diledek mereka... :"/>

trus lg, pas lg ngberesin ruang P3K, kan pintunya pgn gw tutup, eh trnyata ada si Yudha di depan pintu, walhasil, tuh pintu dengan enaknya kena muka si Yudha.. *hahahhaa.. sorry Yud, gw sengaja ga sengaja :P*

n slanjutnya, tugas gw di HPD cuma gt2 doank c.. acara slesai jam5 n panitia baru slsai jam 6.20. langsung menuju masjid alumni, maghriban dsana, trus bis shalat, ktmu mba ersa ESQ, duh.. dcritain ttg training C-30 kmrn, seru bgt ktnya.. nyesel abis gw g bs dateng... padahal gw lg amat sangat terpuruk nih.. :(
tp untungnya, gw masih bs bangkit, inget2 materi training, yg unshakeable mentality, menekankan k diri gw, klo smuanya yg ada di dunia ini milik Allah, kapan pun mereka pergi, gw harus ikhlas... yap, harus ikhlas!! n Insya Allah gw ikhlas,, n memuhasabahi diri gw sendiri... yg selama ini sebenernya mank diri gw sendiri yg bikin hati gw jd kotor.. :((

duh.. jd kmana2 gini postingannya.. lanjut k hari ini aja deh..

Rabu, 29 Agustus 2007

ehm.. ada yg ultah hari ini...

nisa met ultah yah... wish all the best slalu deh...
hari ini yg megang MPA anak jurusan, jd gw g bertugas, cuma ttp ke kampus, jaga di BAAK, takut ada MABA yg baru registrasi *administrasi d kampus g beres bgt*
tp sepi2 aja tuh..

kmrn dah janjian juga ma panitia MPA fakultas, bwt follow up evaluasi hari ini jam11, eh ternyata... amat sangat ga konsisten.. masa ternyata jadi jam1! males gw.. ini ke3 kalinya bgni.. gw pling males ma org2 yg ga konsisten deh..

akhirnya skarang gw luntang lantung gni deh.. dan terdampar di warnet ini..!
yeah... menunggu itu bnr2 membosankan..!
mw dengerin mp3, tp gw males dengernya,, ko lagu2 di mp3 gw tuh nyindir smua ya isinya... :((

I call you up whenever things go wrong.
You're always there. You are my shoulder to cry on.
I can't believe it took me quite so long.
To take the forbidden step.
Is this something that I might regret?

(Come on, come on)
Nothing ventured nothing gained.
(You are the one)
A lonely heart that can't be tamed.
(Come on, come on)
I'm hoping that you feel the same.
This is something that I can't forget.

I thought that we would just be friends.
Things will never be the same again.
It's just the beginning it's not the end.
Things will never be the same again.
It's not a secret anymore.
Now we've opened up the door.
Starting tonight and from now on.
We'll never, never be the same again.
Never be the same again.

Now I know that we were close before.
I'm glad I realised I need you so much more.
And I don't care what everyone will say.
It's about you and me.
And we'll never be the same again.

Nite and day.
Black beach sand to red clay.
The US to UK, NYC to LA.
From sidewalks to highways.
See it'll never be the same again.
What I'm sayin'
My mind frame never changed 'til you came rearranged.

But sometimes it seems completely forbidden.
To discover those feelings that we kept so well hidden.
Where there's no competition.
And you render my condition.
Though improbable it's not impossible.
For a love that could be unstoppable.

But wait.
A fine line's between fate and destiny.
Do you believe in the things that were just meant to be?
When you tell me the stories of your quest for me.
Picturesque is the picture you paint effortlessly.

And as our energies mix and begin to multiply.
Everyday situations, they start to simplify.
So things will never be the same between you and I.
We intertwined our life forces and now we're unified.


Anonymous said...

huuuu... masa panitia tlat?
jam 5.40? huhuhuhu.. di tempatku, panitia harus sten bai jam 4 pagi! hahags.. parah. ngantuk2 disuru ke kampuz :p

Nisa said...

aduh senangnya nama gw ada di post ini. hiihihi makasih yaaa hudaaaa *ga penting komennya :P